Better Addiction Care made this infographic illustrating the amount of alcohol consumed throughout the U.S. It breaks down consumption rates on a state-by-state basis, showing gallons of alcohol consumed per capita. The data is for people ages 14 and older. The graphic is color-coded, with each color representing a number of gallons. Utah, coded in gray, is the only state with under 1.5 gallons of ethanol consumed per capita per year. The infographic also states the U.S. average is 2.33 ethanol gallons. After showing the states on a map of the U.S., there’s a bar graph showing the states ranked from highest to lowest consumption. Next, the infographic shows how much different types of alcohol are consumed in each state. Then, there’s a graph showing alcohol consumption from 1850 to 2012. This graph is divided by colors, showing the amount of beer, wine, and spirits consumed each year.