Mr. P’s Mythopedia made this infographic titled “Creatures, Beings, and Spirits of Brazilian Mythology.” The illustrated infographic features 12 pictures of creatures, beings, and spirits in Brazilian mythology. Along with each picture is the name of the being in Spanish and its English meaning. At the bottom of the infographic, the creator explains how Brazilian mythology is a … [Read more...]
Cognitive Bias Codex
Cognitive bias is a mistake in memory, reasoning, or other thought process that occurs as a result of someone’s preconceived beliefs. Cognitive bias can be dangerous or harmful as it limits people’s perception and may influence their behavior. Design Hacks compiled data from Wikipedia and made this infographic titled “Cognitive Bias Codex.” It breaks down … [Read more...]
Interpreting & Translating the Most Common Nightmares
Nightmares can be unsettling, anxiety-inducting, and sometimes downright terrifying. In addition to the psychological effect, many people also experience physiological symptoms, including sweating or shaking. When you awake from a nightmare, you might be confused and scared, wondering what prompted it. This infographic poses some possibilities. Titled “Interpreting and … [Read more...]
20 Writing Mistakes Even Native Speakers Make
Grammar Check created this infographic detailing some of the most common writing mistakes even native English speakers make. There are 20 mistakes listed. These include improper contractions, misspellings, and misused words. There are also several grammatical errors, like misused apostrophes, ending sentences with prepositions, and dangling participles. The infographic provides … [Read more...]
Cognitive Biases that Can Affect Decision-Making
Even the most open-minded people have some degree of bias. There are many types of cognitive biases, all of which can affect decision-making. Business Insider made this infographic illustrating 20 different cognitive biases. These include anchoring bias; availability heuristic; bandwagon effect; blind-spot bias; choice-supportive bias; clustering illusion; confirmation bias; … [Read more...]