Music can be fun, relaxing, stimulating, and cathartic. It’s the universal language, one which anyone can enjoy regardless of language, age, or background. Playing music is equally if not more rewarding than listening. made this infographic called “Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument.” The infographic features cute fonts and illustrations describing a … [Read more...]
Offbeat content that doesn't quite fit into any of the other categories. This is a great place to find weird and not-quite-describable stuff.
The Tallest Buildings in Each State
No American metropolis is as synonymous with skyscrapers as New York City. New York state has so many high-rises, in fact, it tops the nation with a staggering total of 6,229. This infographic, by, is a visual representation of the tallest buildings in each state. It shows how many tall buildings are in each of the 50 states, and also lists the tallest building in … [Read more...]
Construction Crane Maps by City
Mark Nowlin of the Seattle Times crafted this infographic based on data from the RLB Crane Index. It illustrates which cities have the most construction cranes. Per the infographic, Seattle had the most cranes with 62 as of January. Chicago was a close second with 56 cranes. Other cities listed on the map include Washington D.C., Boston, New York, Austin, Denver, Phoenix, Los … [Read more...]
The Safest States in the U.S.
This infographic, created by Home Security List, lists the 10 safest states to live in in the U.S., based on data compiled from 2005-2014. It also lists the least safe states. In addition, it details the rate of population growth for each state in actual numbers and in terms of percentage rates. It then outlines the rates of property crime, also listing the actual numbers as … [Read more...]
How to Pumpkin Spice Your Apartment
Now that it's (almost) fall, are all your friends freaking out about pumpkin spice? Or is it just ours? Although fall doesn't technically even begin until tomorrow, Pumpkin Spice Season is already in full swing. Starbucks is primarily responsible for this craze, with many other coffee shops beginning their Pumpkin Spice season on September 1st to compete with the coffee … [Read more...]