MacBeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies. Indeed, it’s one of the most famous of all time. Nicknamed “The Scottish Play,” it is a tale of love, loss, murder, mystery, and magic. Inspired by true stories, it’s also equally as complex as many true-life tales of the era. After all, truth is often stranger than fiction. This infographic, created by a Reddit user, Jake … [Read more...]
These are pieces containing information about the entertainment industry. This includes movies, television, music, live theater, and more.
Most Popular Horror Movies by State
Despite an overwhelming popular and critical consensus on certain classic and blockbuster films, people’s tastes in movies is, for the most part, subjective. However, as with any kind of art, certain groups of people tend to prefer certain types of movies over others. This can be attributed to socioeconomic factors, background, religion and spirituality and, sometimes, … [Read more...]
100 Years of Horror Movies: Quanity VS. Quality
Movie quality is largely subjective. No two people’s tastes are identical and what one person considers a smash another may consider a flop. This is particularly true with horror movies. But thanks to Internet reviews, it’s fairly easy to gather a general consensus on any particular film. A Reddit user made this infographic titled “100 Years of Horror Movies: IMDB Frequency … [Read more...]
Dr. Who Through the Ages
“Doctor Who” is one of the most popular television series in the U.K. and the U.S. alike. It appeals to sci-fi fanatics, in particular, but it’s complex storylines and noteworthy writing also reel in plenty of other viewers. The show began in the 1960s and has evolved quite a bit throughout the decades, featuring a number of different doctors. Bob Canada, a Doctor Who … [Read more...]
Jewish Nobel Prize Winner by Country
Over 200 people with at least half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have won the Nobel Prize. That’s about 23% of all individual recipients to date (2017). This infographic, featured on Reddit, illustrates the number of people of Jewish ethnicity who have won the international award. On the left is the country, along with the nation’s flag. There are two columns, each … [Read more...]