Meteor showers are a sight to behold. But most of the time, meteors have little or no real effect on earth. That is, until they strike. When that happens, these flying clusters of space-rock can have significant impact, causing craters of varying sizes, depending on the size of the meteor itself. Of course, there’s also the possibility that a meteor striking earth can take out … [Read more...]
Interesting content about the environment. This category includes environmentalism relating to land, sea, and everything in between.
Highest Mountains & Peaks in the British Isles
The United Kingdom may not have world-famous peaks like Mounts Kilimanjaro or Everest, but it has some impressive mountains nonetheless. This infographic is an antique illustration published in London by James Reynolds in 1852, showing the various mountains and their peaks throughout the United Kingdom, consisting of England, Wales, Scotland, and North Ireland (or Ireland, at … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Various Types of Wetlands
Beach Chair Scientist is a website for marine and freshwater environmental education. The website published this infographic called “Why Are Wetlands Important?” The infographic details why wetlands are an essential part of the ecosystem, supporting a broad variety of life forms. IIt begins with a chart showing the four types of wetlands: bog, marsh, fen, and swamp. It explains … [Read more...]
Why the World Is Running Out of Sand
Everyone knows materials like oil, diamonds, and copper are highly valued in most, if not all, parts of the world. In fact, in some places, these resources are so treasured people quite literally die for them. What you probably didn’t know is sand has become one of these coveted resources, so valued that the mafia is even killing for it. Trade Machines made this infographic … [Read more...]
Quick Facts About Mars
Mars is one of the most-studied planets in the solar system, due largely to its similarity to earth and ability to host life. made this infographic called “Mars Quick Facts.” It consists of an illustrated outline of a few interesting facts about the Red Planet. This includes Mars’ size, density, volume, structure, distance, speed, year, day, tilt/seasons, atmosphere, … [Read more...]