eCommerce has become exponentially more prevalent in the past few years as consumers take advantage of new and innovative technologies. Intelegain Knowledge Centre made this infographic called “9 eCommerce Trends to Watch for in 2018.” It discusses nine predictions for the evolution of eCommerce in 2018. These include mobile optimization, better visual content, SEO and content … [Read more...]
Any content that is business-related. Includes infographics on growing and maintaining a business, best business practices, etc.
Biggest Recent Retail Takeovers and Mergers
This creative and fun infographic is titled “The Biggest Recent Retail Takeovers and Mergers: A Summary of the Most Notable Retail and E-Commerce Acquisitions.” It takes the game PacMan and applies it to retail companies, entertaining the question, “what if retail companies were Pac Men?” It illustrates how six major corporations have taken over smaller businesses. It shows how … [Read more...]
8 Essential Car Maintenance Tips
Proper car maintenance is crucial to keep your vehicle runny safely and smoothly. Preventative maintenance covers a broad range of aspects, from aesthetics to mechanics. Car Part Helper made this infographic called “8 Essential Car Maintenance Tips.” It features bold graphics and easy-to-understand advice to help car owners care for their vehicles. Tips include checking tire … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Increase Your Converstion Rate in Your EComm Venture
E-commerce is booming more than ever before. And it’s no wonder why. Online ventures, from shopping and banking to education and networking, are mutually beneficial for consumers and business owners, who can run and operate their venture without the need for a physical storefront or office building. However, running a successful online business isn’t easy. Vision Eclick made … [Read more...]
20 Creative Writing Prompts to Help You Beat Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is a term used to describe the feeling of not knowing what to write or how to proceed with a writing project. It can affect anyone from students to professional authors. HubSpot made this infographic titled “20 Creative Writing Prompts That’ll Help You Beat Writer’s Block.” The colorful graphic consists of 20 simple topics you could write about to help get your … [Read more...]