made this infographic called “The Longest Roads in the World.” It goes over six of the world’s longest roadways, including the Pan-American Highway, Highway 1, Trans-Siberian Highway, Trans-Canada Highway, Golden Quadrilateral Highway, U.S. Route 20, and U.S. Route 6. Each roadway has its own section on the infographic, complete with an illustration and … [Read more...]
This category is for any and all content about transportation. Includes infographics and articles about cars, trains, airplanes, and more.
Death of the Titanic
The Titanic was a maritime marvel, a one-of-a-kind passenger ship designed to withstand the harshest conditions. Thought to be unsinkable, it could even bear the impact of a direct collision with another ship, as long as no more than four, or maybe even five of its front inner compartments were breached. But it was no match for the iceberg that caused six compartments to … [Read more...]
15 Tips for Maintaining Your Car’s Value and Longevity
Mad Dogs Auto Styling made this infographic advising how to maintain your car’s value and longevity. It offers 15 tips total, each of which is applicable to any vehicle make, model, and year. It explains how to clean and care for the exterior and interior. It also advises storing your car properly. It explains how smoking can devalue a vehicle, as can poor parking. The … [Read more...]
What Passengers Wear on British Airways
This infographic illustrates what British Airways passengers wear on their flights. It shares what types of clothing and accessories people say they just can’t do without. It also illustrates what items are popular in certain countries. For example, the infographic states that 35% of Russians report having bought an outfit specifically for their flight. In addition, it states … [Read more...]
15 Tips for Maintaining Your Car’s Value and Longevity
If you’re like most people, your car is likely one of your most used and most expensive possessions. Title Max made this infographic providing 15 tips on how you can maintain your car’s value and longevity. The tips provided apply to just about any year, make or model of vehicle. Tips include maintaining the interior and exterior with frequent cleanings; using seat covers; … [Read more...]