Since its inception in 1963, Doctor Who has been one of the world’s most beloved fictional TV characters. Originating in the UK, the series is known for its fantastic, rich storylines and multifaceted characters. In addition to several heros and heroins, the series has plenty of bad guys too. G33K HQ made this infographic titled “Dr. Who Villains Through Time.” The artistic … [Read more...]
Animated infographics, articles and other types of content.
Doctor Strange Facts
Dr. Strange is a Marvel Comics superhero. After a horrible accident, the former neurosurgeon went on a steep downward spiral before meeting a powerful sorcerer who bestowed upon him amazing abilities. Since his transformation, Dr. Strange has been leading harrowing adventures to save the world from evil. Costume Discounters made this infographic titled “Dr. Strange Stats & … [Read more...]
Disney Princess “Hairy Tales”
This fun and whimsical infographic was created by The Mane Highlights. Several Disney princesses are pictured on the graph. Their long manes represent the line going along the x axis. On the x axis are several different traits and fates. These include: falling into a deep sleep; put under a spell; captured; ran away; was transformed; had a forbidden love; and saved the day. The … [Read more...]
What Happens To Your Body During 8 Hours of Sleep?
Do you ever wonder what becomes of your body as your mind wanders off to distant dreamlands? crafted this infographic to provide some insight into what processes our bodies undertake during an eight-hour sleep cycle. The infographic also explores why it is recommended for most people to get an average eight hours of sleep per night. It details the different sleep … [Read more...]