Merino Kids™ is a baby and toddler sleepwear company from New Zealand. For 10 years, our 100% natural products have been helping families sleep safely and better in the United Kingdom and around the world. Our range, including the award-winning Cocooi™ Swaddle and the Go Go Bag™ sleeping bag, is made from the world’s finest Merino wool. In this infographic, they outline just … [Read more...]
Infographics and other content about lifestyle. This is a general category that may include food, fitness, travel and more.
Compendium of Desert Plants
From Instagram to lifestyle blogs, succulents are by far the trendiest and most popular houseplants of 2017. And it’s no wonder why. Succulents come in all shapes and sizes, colors, and geometric patterns. They’re easy to care for and easy to incorporate into any design scheme. Also, succulents and other desert plants are drought-resistant, a huge plus in our water-conscious … [Read more...]
The True Cost of a Wedding
Weddings are beautiful, ceremonious events full of love, joy, and unity. They’re also downright expensive. From the wedding dress to the ring, the flowers to the venue rental, weddings can easily cost thousands of dollars, even for more frugal couples. This infographic illustrates the true cost of weddings in the United States. It outlines data like the average number of … [Read more...]
A Brief History of Weddings
From honeymoons to rings, marriage and weddings are steeped in tradition. This infographic outlines the history of weddings, dating all the way back to 3,000 BCE. According to the infographic, the first weddings recorded occurred 4,350 years ago, before which time families were comprised of as many as 30 people. As the illustration shows, some ancient traditions have continued … [Read more...]
Hipster Coffee Shop Names in London
Everyone loves coffee. But the life-giving caffeinated beverage has a special place in the heart of hipsters everywhere, right alongside their affinity for obscure nomenclature. This infographic illustrates the taxonomy of London’s “hipster coffee shop names.” The shops included are among the city’s best of 2015. It takes central motifs like “Victorian establishment,” “milk,” … [Read more...]