There’s nothing like a crisp, juicy apple to satiate your sweet tooth while providing a healthy helping of nutrients. But, as any apple lover knows, not all are created equal. There may be just a few varieties at your local shop or supermarket, depending on where you live, but around the world there are hundreds of varieties of apples with new types cropping up all the time. … [Read more...]
Caffeine in Coffee
Since caffeine was discovered in 1819 in Germany, it’s been fueling the world. Next to tea, coffee is the most widely-consumed beverage in many parts of the world from South America to Scandinavia, while tea, including caffeinated black tea, reigns supreme throughout Asia and other regions, including the United Kingdom. As all Americans know, caffeine is also available in … [Read more...]
The Most Popular Halloween Candy in Every State
When it comes to a choice of trick or treat, pretty much everyone choose a treat. You might want to think twice about trusting anyone who doesn’t. But not all treats are created equal. Some are much-beloved while others are about as desirable as a pie to the face. This infographic, titled “The Most Popular Halloween Candy in Every State” illustrates people’s favorite Halloween … [Read more...]
Top 10 Attractions in Sri Lanka
Rayna Tours, a destination management company based in Dubai, made this infographic to highlight the top 10 attractions on the island nation of Sri Lanka. It lists the top 10 things people should see when they go to Sri Lanka. Next to the name of each destination is a photograph of the place as well as a description. It starts with the capital city of Colombo, followed by Yala … [Read more...]
Blasphemy Laws Around the World
While blasphemy is something of a joke in certain countries like Spain and Czech Republic, it is quite the opposite in others. In fact, many cultures find blasphemy so deeply offensive it is considered a criminal act. Defined as insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, blasphemy can take many forms and result in a broad range of punishments. This infographic, … [Read more...]