The literary classic Dante’s Inferno by Dante Alighieri is a literary classic which depicts, in vivid detail, a man’s journey through the spirals of hell. The images, though striking, paint a bleak picture for anyone who thinks they may be sent down below in the afterlife. This infographic makes things a little more fun with cartoonish figures depicting the different characters … [Read more...]
Infographics and other content about lifestyle. This is a general category that may include food, fitness, travel and more.
Causes of Death 1900 vs. 2010
"Quite a lot has changed in the past 117 years. We’ve evolved from riding in horse-drawn carriages to riding in smart cars; electricity is available in nearly every home; and we can even see and speak with people around the world with just the click of a button. Thankfully, our medical practices have also evolved significantly. The New England Journal of Medicine published this … [Read more...]
Is It Time to Move In Together?
Have you ever cohabitated with a partner, or ore you cohabitating now? This infographic from For Rent looks at the trends among couples and cohabitation. Cohabitation can be complicated, and can take its toll on relationships, but it's also a money-saver. You get to split your rent as well as all your utility bills with another person, and that's a huge benefit. Plus, it can … [Read more...]
Biometrics in Movies
Have you ever wondered about all the ways that movies portray identification technology? Things like fingerprint scans, retina scans and facial recognition technology are called biometrics, and they're heavily used in many of your favorite science fiction movies. Avatier created this interesting infographic about the history of biometrics in movies and TV, from 1966's Star Trek … [Read more...]
12 Reasons Your Brain Needs Vacation Time
Work hard; play hard. It’s a balance most of us aspire to, yet few of us truly obtain. Expedia made this infographic to explain why our brain craves vacation time, and why it’s important. The infographic provides statistics on how hard the average person works (the majority work over 40 hours per week), and then details how vacations and time off can help to boost productivity, … [Read more...]